Ralph Road, Staveley, S43

OIRO £169,950

Full Description

Fantastic Opportunity to Acquire a Parcel of Development Land, located on Ralph Road in the sought after village of Staveley.

Available with outline planning consent for two detached dwellings. Further information is listed on the application summary available via the Chesterfield Borough Council website.

Reference CHE/22/00748/OUT | Outline planning application (means of access submitted) for the erection of two dwellings with associated infrastructure, access, parking and gardens (revised plans received 28/01/2023) | 1 Ralph Road Staveley Chesterfield Derbyshire S43 3PY

Situated within an established residential area, well placed for accessing the M1 and within easy reach of Chesterfield Town Centre. Also close to local shops, schools and other amenities located in the centre of Staveley.


Contact Us

Wilson Estate Agents
24 Market Place, Bolsover
S44 6PN
T: 01246822138
E: enquiries@wilsonestateagents.co.uk